Role of the Board

The Board sets policy and then monitors the performance of the District in meeting the goals of educational achievement (student learning) and organizational effectiveness and success.

It has one primary personnel decision – hiring, delegating, and overseeing the work of the superintendent. The superintendent must have the authority to fulfill the responsibility for the performance of the District. 

Much of the Board’s role is reactive. The superintendent, with the support of staff and faculty, brings issues to the Board for consideration. The Board should not attempt directly to ‘fix problems” that are the delegated responsibilities of the superintendent. The superintendent is a professional, as are the teachers, librarians, and others staffing our schools, and they deserve our respect and support as they work to achieve our goals. 

The Board must continually and assertively engage in two-way communications with the community. Difficulties arise when District residents are not aware of the successes and challenges of the District, and likewise when the residents are not heard. I believe the Board has done a good job of offering opportunities to enhance that communication, but perhaps we can do better. Good communications can build trust and help the Board serve the needs of the entire District and not be unduly influenced by special interests.

The Board must focus on Board work, not staff work. Governance, oversight, and continuity of leadership are vital roles for the Board.